呢枝Diadema係同Swarovski合作嘅酒,酒身上嘅石係Swarovski石,仲要由工匠逐粒逐粒鑲上去🤭而且每支獨立包裝,十分尊貴🌹重點係呢枝酒唔係得個樣,佢嘅酒質都好好,Wine Spectator 都俾95分😎 酒款介紹: 💁🏻♀️ 酒莊同名酒Diadema是王冠酒莊的第一款酒。每一瓶出廠的王冠紅酒都是獨一無二的一瓶。每一瓶酒標都是由工匠手工鑲嵌上的施華洛世奇水晶,經由義大利傳統工匠巧手玩弄酒瓶上的光影之間,更顯出這瓶酒的尊貴不凡。
葡萄品種: Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot
🎖Wine Spectator – Score 95
Fabulous aromas of crushed berries, spices, black licorice and smoke. Full-bodied, with a beautiful density of rich and ripe fruit, as well as coffee and toffee. Complex and spellbinding. The bottle is total bling, with encrusted Swarovski crystals as a label, but the wine is very, very real. Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Syrah. Best after 2011.
Diadema Toscana IGT Red 2005 Magnum 1500ml (Giftbox)